Physical damage.:
Physical damage is dealt by all normal attacks from all the units in DotA, and also by few of the spells. Physical damage taken by a hero is reduced by armor and damage block and is unaffected by magic immunity and resistance. Ethereal units cannot be attacked by physical attacks.
There are a number of attack types that causes physical damage, depending on the source, which are reduced by different types of Armor.
Hero Attacks:

Piercing Damage

Siege Damage

Chaos Damage

It is caused mostly by casting spells, while not all the spells do magical damage. It is reduced by magic resistance and does 1.3-1.5 more damage to ethereal units but magic immune units are unaffected by this. Like Dragon knight’s Dragon breath.
Mixed Damage:
It is a combination of both the physical and magical damage types. These types of damage are reduced by magic resistance, amour and damage block but not by magic immunity and ethereal units are not affected by this type of damage. Like Leshrac's Diabolic Edict.
Pure Damage:
This type of damage ignores all armor, damage block and magic resistance as well. It does normal damage against ethereal units but doesn’t affect magic immunity units. Like Enchantress' Impetus.
HP Removal:
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