In times when you get ganked, your surviving depends on your skill and also your enemy’s who are ganking you.

In nearly all pub games there is 2-1-2 type laning that means if you play mid there will be only one hero else 2 in other lanes. After the game begins, most of the players stay near the towers to wait for the creep line while few think of ganking others hero from the beginning of the game. If you found there are less no. of heroes in your lane than it is supposed to be then immediately write “Hero Missing from the top lane “ or bottom or something like that. That will make your allies cautious and decrease the chances of feeding you enemies and also tell your allies to do same for your safety and sake of the game
Warding also helps you from running away from a gank. Observer wars are very useful and can change the course of the game. So, always make the supporter buy a ward in the game.
Tower hugging is also one of the strategies in the game. If the enemy heroes are weak and can’t take more than 4-5 hits from towers then they basically don’t tower dive so at that time tower hugging comes very useful. Until the missing hero goes back to its lane don’t get into the range of vision of enemy heroes leaving the tower you might feed your opponent. You can also stay in blind spots where your opponent can’t see you and get experience but don’t think about earning gold about the gold just stay behind.
When to running away when an allies calls “Hero Missing”?
At the time when you are outside the range of your tower and there are more than one path to your lane from the forest.
When there are invisible heroes in the opponent team.
Also, when your enemies come more closer to farm on creeps than they usually do.
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