Admiral Proud-more, initially featured as a criminal in the Horde extra campaign in The Frozen Throne, returns from the beating he received in the hands of Rexxar to get his. Proud-more is a well ranked competitive level hero able of soloing and winning a lane in opposition to a solo ranged or weak hero combination. He has got a set of useful AOE skills which include a immense initiative stun/de-buff in Ghost Ship spell, a small-AOE disable and slow in Torrent, and one of the finest chasing spells in the game, X marks the spot. He also has one of the finest last-hit and denying abilities in the game which is known as Tidebringer. Proud-more is a one of the best for harassment, allowing even to harass range hero being a melee.
2. Hero Overview
Affiliation: Sentinel
Damage: 47 - 57
Attack Animation: 0.3 - 0.4
Attack Type: Melee
Missile Speed: Instant
Casting Animation: 0.4 - 0.51
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Armor: 2.6
Movement speed: 300ms
Sight Range (Day/Night): 1800 / 800
+ A best in game changer once mastered
+ Very fun to play
+ Has more than one disables
+ Very good initiator in gank
+ Excellent lane control
+ Very good farming potential
+ Excellent example of ganker
+ Can roam, solo or dual lane
- Got no real escape mechanism
- Has slow attack speed
- Requires constant practice
- Is very tricky to use
- Needs lot of farm to be as a carry in a late game
Hero Skills
Using his unparalleled knowledge of the sea, Kunkka is able to summon a blast of water at a targeted area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water erupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 30%.
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Area
Mana Cost: 120
Area Of Effect: 225
Casting Range: 1500
Damage type: Magic
Damage Dealt: 120/180/240/300
Length Of Slow: 1/2/3/4
Disabling period: 1.5 secs
Cool Down: 12 secs

Ability Type: Passive
Targeting Type: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
Area Of Effect: 380/420/460/500
Damage type: Magic
Damage Dealt: +15/30/45/60
Cool Down: 16/12/8/4 secs
X Marks The Spot(X):

Ability Type: Active
Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
Effect: Returns the target after 1/2/3/4 sec
Casting Range: 500/650/800/950
Cool down: 30 secs
Ability Type: Active
Mana Cost: 50
Effect: Returns the target Immediately
Cool Down: 5 secs
Ghost Ship(T):

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Self/Allies/Enemies
Mana Cost: 100/200/250
Casting Range: 1000
Area Of Effect: 400
Duration: 5/6/7 secs
Damage: 300/400/500 crash damage
Effect: 1.2 seconds stun,10% bonus ms,half damage taken when attacked by enemy anothe half takes place when effect wears off
Cool Down: 90 secs
Skill Build:
Normal Skill Build
- .Tidebringer
- Torrent
- Tidebringer
- Torrent/X Marks the Spot
- Tidebringer
- Ghost Ship
- Tidebringer
- Torrent
- Torrent
- X Marks the Spot
- Ghost Ship
- X Marks the Spot
- X Marks the SpotAttribute Bonus
- X Marks the SpotAttribute Bonus
- Attribute Bonus
- Ghost Ship
- Attribute Bonus
Lane-Control Skill Build
- Tidebringer
- Torrent
- Torrent
- Tidebringer/X Marks the Spot
- Torrent
- Ghost Ship
- Torrent
- Tidebringer
- Tidebringer
- X Marks the Spot
- Ghost Ship
- X Marks the Spot
- X Marks the Spot/Attribute Bonus
- X Marks the Spot/Attribute Bonus
- Attribute Bonus
- Ghost Ship
- Attribute Bonus
Item Overview:
Recommended Items:
Situational Items:
Rejected Items:
Item Build:
Early Game items
Mid Game Items:
Late Game Items:
Great teamwork allies:
Good Allies:
Nightmare enemies:
Bad Enemies:
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