Twin sons to the great Prophet, Terrorblade and Magina were blessed with divine powers: Terrorblade granted with an unnatural affinity with life forces; Magina gifted with energy manipulation. Magina's eventual overexposure to the magics gradually augmented his elemental resistances and bestowed him the unique ability to move faster than light itself. Now, broken by Terrorblade's fall to the dark side, Magina answers the Sentinel's call in a desperate bid to redeem his brother. Every bitter strike turns the Scourge's evil essences upon themselves, culminating in a finale that forces his enemy to awaken to the void within and spontaneously implode.
2. Hero Overview
Intelligence:15 + 1.8
Affiliation: Sentinel
Damage: 49 - 53
Armor: 3.1
Attack-Type: melee
Attack-Range: 100
Base Attack-Time: 1.45
Missile Speed: Instant
Movement-speed: 320
Casting-Animation: 0.3 / 0.47
Sight Range(Day/Night): 1800 / 800
Hero Skills
Mana Break(R):

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Point
Mana Cost: 60
Area Of Effect: N/A
Casting Range: 1150
Cool Down: 12/9/7/5 sec
Spell Shield(D):
Mana Void(V):

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Point
Mana Cost: 125/200/275
Area Of Effect: 325
Damage type: Magic
Damage Dealt: 0.6/0.85/1.1 damage per mana point missing
Effect: Stun
Duration: 0.1/0.2/0.3
Cool Down: 120/100/80 sec
Skill Build:
1 - Blink
2 - Mana Break
3 - Mana Break
4 - Blink
5 - Mana Break
6 - Mana Void
7 - Mana Break
8 - Spell Shield
9 - Blink
10 - Spell Shield
11 - Mana Void
12 - Spell Shield
13 - Blink
14 - Spell Shield
15 - Stats
16 - Mana Void
17-25 - Stats
2 - Mana Break
3 - Mana Break
4 - Blink
5 - Mana Break
6 - Mana Void
7 - Mana Break
8 - Spell Shield
9 - Blink
10 - Spell Shield
11 - Mana Void
12 - Spell Shield
13 - Blink
14 - Spell Shield
15 - Stats
16 - Mana Void
17-25 - Stats
Item Build:
Early Game items
Core Items:
Every supproter hero are your good allies
Good build. Thank You
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