In the start of early game, Items are the best way to determine if a certain player is good or bad at DotA.
In the start of the game you have 853 gold but after you pick a hero you will only have 603 gold. If you random a hero you will have 853 gold and if you do certain attribute random (like –random agi, –random str or -random int) then you will have 753 gold.
So, what to buy to start a better early game?
These are the items that you should buy with your available gold when you leave your base but not after end of the early game except the observer ward which could be bought from the early to late game for better visibility of map and save yourselves and also for perfect ganking.
· Ancient Tango of Essifation
Ø Costs: 90 gold has 3 charges
Ø Devours a tree to restore 115 hp over 16 seconds.
Ø Stackable: Yes
· Healing Salve
Ø Type: Active
Ø Heals 400 hp over 10 seconds, Healing stops if the unit takes damage and can be targeted to allies as well.
Ø Stackable: Yes
· Lesser Clarity Potion
Ø Type: Active
Ø Regenerates 100 Mana over 30 seconds, stops if the unit takes damage and can be targeted to allies as well.
Ø Stackable: Yes
· Animal Courier
Ø Type: Active( Needs 5 Mana-cost to activate)
Ø Costs: 170 gold

Ø Stackable: Yes (Buying two of them will be useless and waste of money)
· Magic Stick
Ø Type: Active (energy charge)
Ø Costs: 200 gold

Ø Stackable: No
· Ironwood Branches
Ø Costs: 53 gold
Ø Increases all stats by +1.
Ø Stackable: No (takes two slots if bought two of them)
· Circlet of Nobility
Ø Costs: 185 gold
Ø Increases all stats by +2
Ø Stackable: No
· Gauntlets of Strength
Ø Costs: 150 gold
Ø Increases strength by +3.
Ø Stackable: No
· Slippers of Agility
Ø Costs: 150 gold
Ø Increases agility by +3.
Ø Stackable: No
· Mantles of Intelligence
Ø Costs: 150 gold
Ø Increases intelligence by +3.
Ø Stackable: No
· Ring of Protection
Ø Costs: 175 gold
Ø Increases armor by +2.
Ø Stackable: No
· Ring of Regeneration
Ø Costs: 350 gold
Ø Increases hp regeneration by +2.
Ø Stackable: No
· Observer Wards
Ø Type: Active(Place Ward)
Ø Gives you the vision of an area for 6 minutes, has 1600 AOE of vision which reveals all the nearby unites except the invisible ones has 200 hp and is invisible to enemy.
Ø Stackable: Yes
· Empty Bottle
Ø Type: Active(Regenerate, Rune Capture)
Ø Costs: 600 gold

Ø Stackable: Yes
Ø Cool-down: 0.5 second
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