Ganking is most of the time the player’s skill and teamwork. In DotA, communication is very important to gank. If you want to ambush a certain hero you can type “Attack PA first”,” Coming to gank top” or something like that. You can also give signal by pressing Ctrl + left click. Communicating with allies and ganking properly determines the level of the player like good or bad. Sometimes there can be communication mistakes at that you should blame other players. If you start blaming others, there will be fall in teamwork and you may eventually lose the game. Instead, you can say nice try or something similar to that.
Stacking and counting the stun seconds
This is one of the most important things in DotA. Let’s suppose your spell causes stun for 2 second and your ally’s stun causes stun for 2 second. If your ally casts the stun 1st then count upto 2 second in your mind and cast you stun this will make your foe unable to move for 4 seconds in total this is known as stacking stun. If both of you cast at the same time there will only be wastage 2 second. Good stacking stun determines the teamwork between the players and also the death of your foe.
Actually ganking is not important how you do it is important. If you do it recklessly you will die instead of killing your opponents. If you go inside tower getting its hits there are more chances for you to die rather than to kill. The main idea to go in to kill and not die is when there are creeps around and when you can kill a hero with single spell cast or within 2-4 seconds. If you go in and die, the opponent will gain advantage. So, it is not recommended for you to try this in your early stage of playing.
In late game, you should bring your teammates with you to gank your opponents else it will be the best way to feed them and give them advantage over the game.So, it is better if you gank with at least 2 other teammates or the whole team because it will greatly decrease your chance of dying and feeding them. Also, remember to kill the weak heroes having high damages rather that heroes with high hp but less damage because this will also give your team advantage.
The gameplay is good, it is for PS or PC?
Greetings of peace from Indonesia
This is for PC.
Greetings of peace from Nepal as well.
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