Carry heroes are those types of heroes that become strongest heroes throughout late game. Carry heroes are generally dependent on items so they farm throughout the early game till the mid game and also dependent on good supports my ally. In comparison to other heroes they are generally weak. If carry heroes can get a good farm they could destroy all the opponents including their carry with a good support by teammates. If your opponent team has also got a strong carry you should remember that they could also get well feed. So, you must try to end the game as soon as possible.
Semi-Carry Heroes
These types of heroes are just like multitalented people who we see in our day to day life. Semi-Carry heroes are heroes that can play all the roles like supporting, ganking, tanking or AOE/Team-fighter. Generally semi-carries are strong during the whole game but won’t be strong as carry hero.
Support Heroes
Support heroes are those heroes that help out the carry hero to farm during the early and mid game. These heroes are generally having strong spells which are supportive like heal, disable and offensive skills like stun, nuking spells, etc which would help their carry to get more creeps and kills. These heroes also help carry by giving them last hits on creeps, heroes and towers. These heroes mostly have low hp so the player must be aware of the fact that he must be alive throughout the gank and support the carry. A good supporter must also remember that a kill by him is worthless and know that that kills should be given to the carry. This is how a supporter should play and the player should think that the success in the farming of the carry is equal to his success.
Ganking Heroes
Ganking heroes are generally same as support heroes. But as for ganking heroes they would mostly require farming for few items like Kelen’s Dagger. While playing a ganking hero one must always remind to kill the opponent’s carries 1st so that their carries would have difficult time to farm and the game would come into your favor.
AOE or Team-fighter Heroes
They are also generally same as the ganking heroes and support heroes. Team-fighter heroes are not much required in game the only think that would require from them would be their some specific spells like tide-hunter’s ravage, etc. These types of heroes may also require few farm like gank heroes to make the Kelen’s dagger.
Tanking or Initiators Heroes
These types of heroes are generally the ones that start the ganking and take on all the hits instead for their carry. These are mostly the strength heroes who have high health points and good amount of regeneration. Most of the game has carry heroes. These types of heroes mostly initiate by stunning their opponents like dragon knight a very good tanker hero and a very good initiator spell dragon’s tail.
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